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Episode #871: How To Sell Your Offers In A Changing Marketplace!

by | May 27, 2024 | Podcasts

The online coaching space has changed in the last few years, and there are new challenges when it comes to selling your offers. In this episode, Marc explains this shift and gives three ways to get your sales going again, along with a case study from his own business!

What You’ll Hear In This Episode:

  • The big secret that coaches are only talking about behind closed doors
  • The main reasons why coaching has become a tougher sell in today’s online landscape  
  • Three things you can do today to bust out of a sales slump and get your PayPal notifications dinging!
  • Why relying solely on high ticket offers is dangerous in 2024
  • A case study of a new offer that Marc just launched, using the lessons he shares in this episode!


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