I once heard that a famous military leader slept with the same book beside him in bed every night, because he believed that the knowledge inside that book sunk into his head better that way.
(I can’t recall who it was, and had no luck Googling it, so you’ll have to trust me on it … we’ll say Napoleon since he’s the first person who comes to mind when I think of military leaders).
Anyways, I have no way of knowing whether that practice works, but I’ve heard of stranger things.
It reminds me of feedback that I got from one of my Secret Coach Club subscribers …
Pam has been with me since day one, joining the same day that I launched SCC in early 2017 – and she’s still subscriber. She wrote:
“I keep my SCC newsletters beside my bed, so that I see them last thing at night and first thing in the morning. Reminds me that I’m investing in my coaching business whatever other priorities I’m choosing to follow at the moment.
At some point I may create an index for myself highlighting the articles I found most beneficial and where to find them … Taking notes on what we read is another way of reinforcing the good stuff (which I know you know already)”
I’m glad that Pam is keeping her copies of Secret Coach Club close by, and I like to think that Napoleon would do the same if he was still alive and kicking (and in Secret Coach Club) today.
The September issue goes to the printer soon, and you can grab yours by subscribing before this Sunday at midnight EST by going here: