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Why $30,000 is the magic number

by | Aug 11, 2023 | Blog

This week I’ve been talking a lot about Brett McFall, and how he pushes coaches to go for $30,000 days instead of $10,000 ones.

At first this might seem strange, since it’s a large number, but this is what he told me during an interview on my podcast:

“This $30K is critical. The faster it happens, the higher chance you have of succeeding because you can now survive, and you’ve got money in the bank.”

He’s shown this with clients he’s helped, including a mutual friend of ours (Lucho Crisalle)

I’m all for people setting big goals, and if you’d like to do that then check out the live webinar that Brett is doing next week for my community.

It’s happening on Tuesday, August 15th, and here’s the link to register for it:

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