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Exclusive “Super JV” spot is now available!

by | Nov 13, 2023 | Blog

It’s been a long time, but there’s now an opening available to be my “Super Partner” for the next year!

This is the largest partnership package that I offer and it’s exclusive for just one partner, giving massive exposure across my whole network with everything that I do … for the full year!

It doesn’t come available often, and it includes:

Promotion on “The Coaching Jungle” Facebook group banner 24/7 and an ad that remains as a pinned post at the top of the group’s wall for the whole year.

A weekly post/FB Live in “The Coaching Jungle” group to promote your business.

A sponsorship commercial on every single episode of the “Natural Born Coaches” podcast in the next year (52 weekly episodes) and also 4 interviews on the show throughout the year!
4 JV webinar promotions throughout the year (I sell each of these promotions for $5000 USD, so that’s a $20,000 value)

​A shout-out at the bottom of each of the daily emails that I send to this list over the next year (365+ emails).

A full page ad in every monthly issue of my “Secret Coach Club” newsletter …

Get your offers in front of my combined audience of 100,000 people every single day for a whole year!

Get the details and book a chat to grab the spot here:

PS: This one Super Partner spot isn’t cheap and it’s definitely not for everyone! There are other joint venture packages, like my 7 day and 3 day campaigns, on the page:

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