I recently watched a bunch of testimonials from authors who have worked with Authors Unite, and a quote from one of them stood out:
“You can have the best book in the world, but have nobody read it if you can’t get it in front of people”
I know, I know – it sounds like common sense.
But I’ve heard stories of authors who wrote a book years ago, and their garages are still full of boxes of them.
That’s frustrating – since it takes a lot of blood, sweat, and tears to write a book … it deserves to be read by as many people as possible!
If you’ve written a book and would like to get it in front of more eyeballs, Authors Unite is currently doing a contest to give away their $15,000 book launch package.
And if you haven’t written your book yet don’t worry, it can be used in the future should you win.
It costs nothing to enter, and you can do so here: