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The world’s dirtiest man

by | Mar 17, 2024 | Blog

A few years ago, Amou Haji passed away.

If you don’t recognize the name you can be forgiven, his wasn’t exactly a household one.

But his claim to fame was being known as the “World’s Dirtiest Man”, since he hadn’t bathed for over 60 years!

According to Wikipedia:


“Amou Hajji was celibate, ate meat from dead animals he found (especially rotting porcupines), drank water from puddles and rusty oil cans, smoked animal dung using an old pipe, donned a war helmet to fend off the cold, and lived in a hole that he had dug himself.

To manage his hair, he burned off the excesses with a flame. His skin was covered with soot and pus as a result of his refusal to bathe.

He was photographed smoking multiple cigarettes simultaneously, and refused water, food, and other basic necessities offered to him. He said that these attempts to care for him made him sad. Once, a few young men attempted to forcefully give him a shower, but he managed to escape …”


I usually talk about coaches building their businesses, so what does this have to do with that?

Well, if a coach isn’t clear on their offer then they aren’t going to feel confident putting it out into the world for people to see.

They’ll feel like someone who hasn’t showered in awhile, and they’ll stay hidden away.

But when you have a clear offer that you feel good about?

You’ll confidently get out into the marketplace, shouting it from the rooftops for all to hear!

I want coaches to experience this feeling, so I’m doing a workshop soon around creating a compelling coaching offer that sells.

During the workshop I’ll share the advice that I’ve learned from helping a ton of coaches with this in the last 10 years, and I’ll also be doing some hot seats to help attendees with their offers in real time.

It’s happening on Tuesday, March 26th and you can save your seat for it here:

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