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The “enchanted kettle”

by | Mar 31, 2024 | Blog

I love the part in Think and Grow Rich about the “enchanted kettle”.

A young drug clerk named Asa Candler spent his life savings ($500) buying an old-fashioned kettle, a wooden paddle, and a secret formula written on a slip of paper.

500 bucks might not seem like much nowadays, but this was back in 1888 when $500 was a large chunk of change.

So what was so special about that kettle and its contents? What magic words were written on the slip of paper???

(I’m not sure if a spoiler alert is needed since the book was written almost 90 years ago, but you’ve been warned just in case…)


The paper contained the recipe for Coca-Cola, which would go on to make billions of dollars, become the world’s most popular drink and a cultural icon.

The words on paper, by themselves, weren’t magic. If Candler had just installed some soda fountains in his drug stores and stuck to his neck of the woods (Atlanta), Coca-Cola would probably be dead today.

But Candler was a marketing genius. From Inc Magazine:

“Under Candler’s watch the Coca-Cola name was plastered on everything—calendars, clocks, fans, and even urns. Pharmacists selling the drink had apothecary scales emblazoned with the name. A team of traveling Coca-Cola syrup salesmen was sent out to ensure that pharmacists were mixing the beverage correctly with carbonated water, and that their stores were properly adorned with Coca-Cola logos and signs. Candler even contracted actress and singer Hilda Clark to be the face of Coca-Cola, initiating one of the first-ever celebrity endorsements …”

So even if you have something good, you have to work your tail off to let people know about it!

If you’re a coach who’d like my 1:1 support to get your name and message out in front of a ton of potential clients, I’ve opened up a few laser coaching spots and I’m shutting it down in a few days …

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