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How to get interviewed 4x on a top 1% show!

by | May 11, 2024 | Blog

One of the best ways to get your message out to the world is being interviewed on podcasts.

Although plenty of entrepreneurs grasped how valuable podcast interviews were years ago, it seems like everyone knows nowadays.

In the past (circa 2014), I got maybe one pitch a day from people wanting to appear on “Natural Born Coaches”, and with it being a daily show then I was able to accept a fair number of them (after checking them out, of course).

Now, I’m getting 10x the number of pitches from entrepreneurs and various podcast booking agencies …

I’m drowning in pitches and have to tell them “no”!

Since my show has gone from a daily frequency to weekly (so there are just 52 openings per year, max), and with the number of pitches I’m getting every day, I’ve put a hard stop on booking new guests EXCEPT …

I save select spots on the show for my joint venture partners.

And my one “Super Partner” will get 4 interviews on my show in the next year, plus a lot of other perks included with the exclusive package.

If you have a message that helps coaches, and you’d like to be featured on a podcast in the top 1% of shows worldwide, then partnering with me could be a good fit.

To get the details and to book a call with me to chat about it, hop over here:

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