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Why I don’t use Ouija boards

by | Jul 4, 2024 | Blog

Awhile back I posted this on Facebook:


I’ve never played with a Ouija board, some might say “don’t be a baby, they sell them at toy stores!”, but I’d rather not risk letting any evil spirits into my world.

I feel that way when answering cold messages: I’m hesitant to reply to most since I know it’ll invite an unwanted back and forth exchange with people who can’t take a hint (actually a firm “No” isn’t a hint, it should be pretty clear).

I answered one today (since he just joined my Facebook group) and it ended with me blocking him on FB and banning him from the group since I didn’t want him haunting any of my members this way.

I’m not knocking sending messages for business – I just launched a new offer and have sent about 300 of them since to people I thought it could be a fit for.

But whenever someone told me “no thanks” I didn’t proceed to badger them and try to continue the conversation … I thanked them for letting me know, and told them to have a great day (in some cases they mentioned what they’re working on, and I offered resources or connections that could help them with that)

You have to be able to “read the room” and unfortunately most of the people sending cold DMs are clueless when it comes to that.


Believe it or not, there’s a right way to send cold DMs. and Miles Stutz has cracked the code since he’s sent so many of them and done so well over the years from it!

He’s going to teach his system in a live workshop that he’s doing on Tuesday called “The Profitable DM Campaign”.

Get the details and register for it here!

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