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Cocky vs confident

by | Jul 28, 2024 | Blog

Someone asked a question on Facebook a few years back:

“What’s the difference between confidence and being cocky?”

The answer I gave:

“Confident people can back it up. Cocky people are usually covering over what they can’t”

I see it every day online.

It’s easy to start a business in 2024:

Grab a domain for a few bucks on GoDaddy, slap up a website, take an hour to start your social media accounts, and you’re off to the races!

But that’s just the beginning.

Can you deliver results?

You’ll have to if you expect people to give you their hard-earned money.

You have to also invest time and resources improving yourself every day.

Cocky is when people make up stories of the six-figure month that they just had, when it would really be six figures only if a decimal point was in there ($1,000.00 is technically “six-figures”)

Confident is delivering results for people to the point that they become walking billboards and sing your praises all over.

Cocky is thinking you know everything already, and that there’s nothing else to learn.

Confident is realizing that others have done things that they haven’t done yet, and they can help shorten the learning curve.

Confident people are joining my Coaching Jungle VIP, and they’re confident because they have stuff that gets results for people …

Get the details, and become a Jungle VIP, by going here:

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