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The inner game of tennis

by | Oct 3, 2024 | Blog

I once read “The Inner Game of Tennis” by Timothy Gallwey …

I haven’t played tennis in more than a decade, and this one is an oldie (written back in the 1970’s) so you might be wondering why I read it.

Have I decided to pick up tennis in middle age and go for an improbable Wimbledon championship?

Nope – but the book has crossed my radar a number of times over the years, and I came across it again on a blog that was outlining 10 or 15 books that every coach should read.

One of the biggest lessons that I’ve taken from the book is the importance of not being too emotional in business.

Gallwey recommends seeing events as they are and not adding anything to them (he calls it “nonjudgemental awareness”)

In the tennis world, it means not giving into anger or frustration when your serve constantly ends up in the net, or you’re hitting your shots wide.

In the coaching world, it means not succuming to negative emotions when a prospect says “no”, or a client chooses not to renew …

Anyways, I’ve blocked off some time to chat if you’re looking to get more coaching clients.

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