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Why 50 bucks made me quit

by | Oct 3, 2024 | Blog

Imagine this: You bust your butt promoting a partner’s offer to your list …

You spend hours writing custom emails, social media posts, podcast scripts – the works. Your audience loves it. You deliver a ton of hyper-targeted leads…

…only to open your affiliate dashboard and see a measly $49.50 commission.

Crazy, right?

Well, that’s exactly what happened to me a long time ago.

That was the day I quit conventional joint ventures.

…And came up with a brand-new “flat fee” model that delivers win after win – and makes my partners happier in the process.

The concept is simple: Charge a simple upfront fee to promote a partner’s offer and let them keep 100% of sales.

And you don’t even need a big list to get results.

I had less than 2,000 subscribers when I started this model.

I’ve since saved over 100 hours a year I used to burn managing affiliate deals.

And I’m generating 6 figures a year in predictable revenue, while working way less.

Want to know how I do it?

Plus the exact structure I use to secure flat fee deals so I never have to worry about refunds, tracking issues, or dismal profits ever again?

Then you need to check out the latest episode of “Steal Our Winners”, where Rich Schefren interviewed me and I walked through each step of this “flat fee” joint ventures model:

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