I’ve been noticing a trend in the online space over the last few years:
There are a lot of folks who are tired and burned out from attending webinars!
I’m not going to be one of those guys who say “Webinars don’t work!”, since I know that’s not true.
But a lot of webinar attendees have been frustrated and annoyed after blocking off an hour or two of their days to go to a webinar and then not getting much from it.
Often the webinars have been full of fluff and filler, and are nothing but a big sales pitch …
Next week I’m going to be with Gus Van Dender from Shorten The Gap, and his event is more of a “workshop” than webinar, since you’ll be completing work there live (and it won’t be a waste of your time!)
Gus will be sharing a unique (and proven) method for hitting your goals in the next 90 days.
Register to join us, you won’t regret it:
PS: To prepare for the webinar and to get the most from it, grab a bunch of free resources here!