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(Live Workshop) Vision To Victory: A Step-By-Step Guide To 90-Day Target Setting

by | Oct 7, 2024 | Blog

If you’d like to master your business goals with a special target setting protocol, you should check out the workshop that Gus Van Dender is doing for my community next week!

In it you’ll learn about:

-Clarity And Confidence: how to overcome the chaos and set clear, actionable 90-day targets that push you to grow.

-Build a Strong Foundation: discover the power of the credo, ignition statement, and “gap map” to align your actions with your deepest convictions and future vision.

​-Course Correct with Confidence: how to review your week, celebrate your wins, analyze what didn’t work, and set a clear plan to improve.

​- Live Q&A: get personalized advice and answers to your specific business challenges.

Gus always gives pure value with what he does, so it’ll be worth your time to attend!

It’s happening on Tuesday, October 15th at 2 pm EST – save your seat for it here:

PS: To prepare for the workshop and to get the most from it, grab a bunch of free resources from Gus here!

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