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Some big results from the 90 day journal!

by | Oct 10, 2024 | Blog

Shorten The Gap’s 90 Day journal has became the “north star” that helped Gus Van Dender guide businesses to achieve remarkable growth and success like:

A wheelchair ride service that identified a need, got the company operational and launched it in 90 days, and prepared it for sale in the next 90 days.

Or Wake Up Warrior, which expanded its membership from 300 clients to over 6,000 and revenue from $3M to $60M in just one year.

And then there’s ToolBox OS, which grew into a portfolio of 25 operating companies. After 18 months, it achieved a $100M valuation, a feat made possible by proper planning, goal setting, and targets.

Gus is doing a live workshop for my community next Tuesday, October 15th, where you’ll learn how to use the 90 day journal in real time to hit your targets too.

Join us by registering for it here!

PS: To prepare for the webinar and to get the most from it, grab a bunch of free resources (including the journal) here!

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