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by | Dec 28, 2024 | Blog

I once listened to a talk radio program where the subject of “shrinkflation” came up.

(This was before the term became better-known, like it is today)

The host was talking about his mother, who swore up and down that something she bought regularly at the grocery store was now slightly smaller in size. 

He told her she was crazy and that her mind was playing tricks on her – but she found an old package and after comparing it with the new one she confirmed her suspicions.  

“Shrinkflation” is no longer a conspiracy theory, it’s a very real way that manufacturers are playing games in these times of inflation.  

By reducing the size of their packaging (not too much though, they want it to look the same), they can get away with giving less product but charging the same amount that they used to.  

One place you won’t find any shrinkflation is with the offers from my Jungle VIP members … 

They all give great value and ROI with their offers! 

If you’d like to become a Jungle VIP, there’s currently a holiday special offer which gives you an annual subscription for 50% off what people usually pay. 

The deadline is December 31st, get started here!

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