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Have you experienced this?

by | Jan 29, 2025 | Blog

I see a change coming in the online space where people will demand more connection with the creator (and others in the program) after they enroll in something.

Does this sound familiar?

You join a coaching program that has “group calls”, only to discover that there are hundreds of people on the calls and there’s no opportunity to ask your questions, or it’s done like a lottery where only a few lucky ones get called on.

Or they have a five minute “hot seat” with one or two people …


With my new Natural Born Coaches Program, I’m keeping the group support/Q and A calls smaller. And when needed, I’ll add more calls on the calendar to keep the numbers manageable.

In addition, those who join in the early days will get 6 monthly 1:1 calls with me to guide you through everything so it’s not a DIY with you on your own.

Get the details, and book a chat with me about it, here:

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