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Book your “Value Call” today!

by | Jan 30, 2025 | Blog

Instead of doing “discovery calls”, or “strategy calls” (or let’s be honest, sales calls), I prefer to do:

“Value Calls”

The goal of my value call isn’t to sell you into my program.

Don’t get me wrong – if it’s the right fit to do something together then great, but I enter it with the goal of learning what you’re trying to accomplish and what’s keeping you from it, and giving actionable advice on how to move things forward.

If I know I can help you I’ll tell you how, if not I’ll leave you better off than when you arrived on the call.

I’ve done some calls with people where it hasn’t been the right fit, but I’ve sent them a resource to help them along, or given them a book recommendation, or referred them to someone who could help.

I’ve opened up space in my calendar to do more of these Value Calls, and you can book yours here:

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