As a podcast host, I have a pet peeve:
When a guest doesn’t share our interview!
I don’t expect them to spend 24/7 promoting the episode, or to shout it from the rooftops every day, but it takes just a few clicks to let their followers know about their appearance.
If a host invites you onto their show to share your message to their audience, that’s the least you can do.
Luckily I haven’t experienced this too often with my podcast – most of my guests have been good with promoting their interview after its been released …
But it’s why I always spread the word about my guest appearances when I go on other shows, and even put them on my website’s “Media Page” for more people to listen to them down the road.
If you’d like to get booked on more shows, that’s a part of my new Natural Born Coach Program, get started with the special early bird rate by going here: