Hi Coach Nation – Marc Mawhinney here, and welcome to Natural Born Coaches!
Are you a Natural Born Coach?
What is a “Natural Born Coach” exactly? It’s having a special feeling deep down that you were born to coach others. Your mission is to help them improve their lives. You were put here to make an impact on people, in your community and around the world.
If this describes you, then you’re in the right place! On every show I interview successful coaches to get inside their heads and discover how they built, are improving, and growing their coaching businesses. I dig down to get to the ideas that you can immediately implement to improve as a coach – things like how to get more clients and referrals, how to be paid what you’re truly worth and how to avoid the stress and burnout that hit people in this industry.
It’s all done in a candid and entertaining format that will motivate and inspire you every day – consider the show as the daily vitamin for your coaching business!
After many years as an entrepreneur, I jumped into the coaching business (for small business owners). I created the programs that I would use with my clients, established systems, printed my business cards, launched my website, my blog and social media, and waited for clients to start beating down my door.
They didn’t!
So I started prospecting harder every day. By reaching out to people in my target market, I got consultations and some clients (but too many that I was working with at discounted rates, or even worse, for free!). It was a frustrating situation.
I decided to do what I’ve always done when confronted with a problem. I began asking questions to people who were successful in the business that I was in. Every day I talked with coaches from all over North America, and eventually around the world. And I learned insights and strategies that I was able to implement in my coaching business.
My lightbulb moment was when I realized that coaches could benefit from the experiences of other coaches. Why not share conversations with successful coaches, to give other coaches ideas on how to build a better business? I had been a podcast fan for many years (listening for hours every day), so why not start a podcast dedicated to helping people in the coaching business?
Your time is valuable, and I respect that! Natural Born Coaches is packed with value to help you improve your business, in a timely format so you can get on with your day (shows are about 30 minutes long). Show notes from every podcast can be found on the website, along with our blog and resources to kick your coaching business into high gear.
If you like the show, I would appreciate a rating and review in iTunes, which will help the show reach and help even more coaches around the world!
I work specifically with coaches to help them build their businesses, get more clients and have more fun coaching. If you’d like to get access to my free video training, “The Cure For Coaching Confusion”, go to www.AccelerateForClients.com.
Thanks for being a Natural Born Coach!
Marc Mawhinney