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Free 3 day “Double Your Sales” live challenge!

I was recently interviewed on Tom Jackobs’ podcast, and he’s now doing a 3 day live challenge that could be of interest to you … It’s called the “Script with Heart” framework that can double your sales and consistently enroll $2k clients...

The solution for a lack of ROI

If you’re doing something for your business, you should be getting an ROI from it. There are only so many hours in each day, why waste time doing stuff that isn’t monetizing? If it isn’t giving you revenue, you have two options: 1) Stop doing it....

New year, new me?

Robert Downey Jr. is one of my favourite actors. Can you think of anyone who’d make a better Tony Stark/Iron Man? A few weeks ago the calendar changed over to the new year, and that got me thinking about a funny meme that gets shared around late every year that has...

This is Kryptonite for coaches

If there’s one thing that will kill your coaching business, it’s neediness. it’s like Kryptonite to Superman, or cutting Samson’s hair. As a past guest on my podcast, Rich Litvin, likes to say: “Needy is creepy” A lot of coaches...

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