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The advantage of experience

Next month I celebrate 11 years of business in the coaching world. In that time I’ve released almost 1000 podcast episodes of my podcast, over 3200 days of daily emails, and thousands of daily social media posts. So I’m a big believer in the power of...

The problem with complaining

Back when my son was taking Jujitsu classes, the instructor gave the kids a lesson about complaining. One of them was complaining about something (being thirsty, I think) and the instructor stopped the class to lecture them. He told them that anything they have to do...

How to cut through the online noise in 2025

Next month will mark 11 years since I started in the online coaching space. Back in March 2014 the space seemed noisy – but it’s a heck of a lot noisier now. And in 2014 there wasn’t a bunch of crappy AI posts clogging up everyone’s newsfeeds!...

Ready to amplify your brand and attract more clients?

When a person or company has a rock solid brand, success is guaranteed. Look at Apple. Whenever it releases a new product there are lines snaking out of the store to get it. Each new iPhone now has minimal upgrades, but fans still salivate waiting to get their hands...

Money is an echo of value

Yesterday I talked about lessons learned from the book “Dream First, Details Later”, and here’s another passage from it that stood out to me: “I believe strongly that when you meet really smart, successful people in life, who tend to have...

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