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Don’t be a Harlem Globetrotter

I once told a client that he was being a “Harlem Globetrotter”. My client was great at what he did. He’d been at it a long time and he knew what he was talking about … But he was overcomplicating things. Like the Globetrotters, who perform trick plays, shoot from all...

A shifting coaching space

I’ve noticed a change in the coaching world in the last few years. I’m not alone – I’ve seen others commenting on the shift that they’ve seen as well. What changes are there? Well, people are more skeptical and are holding onto their...

(New Episode) High-Ticket Coaching Isn’t Dead!

There’s been chatter in the coaching space that high-ticket coaching is “dead”, so I have Jeanne Omlor on the Natural Born Coaches podcast today to share her thoughts … Jeanne’s been in the coaching world for a long time, and it was an...

Traits of a successful joint venture

There are a few traits to a successful joint venture: -A special price for my people -A limited number of spots -A hard deadline If you have something for coaches, and would like to get it out in front of 100,000 of them, I’m current filing my JV spots for Q1 of...

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