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The solution for a lack of ROI

If you're doing something for your business, you should be getting an ROI from it. There are only so many hours in each day, why waste time doing stuff that isn't monetizing? If it isn't giving you revenue, you have two options: 1) Stop doing it. Spend your energy on...

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New year, new me?

Robert Downey Jr. is one of my favourite actors. Can you think of anyone who’d make a better Tony Stark/Iron Man? A few weeks ago the calendar changed over to the new year, and that got me thinking about a funny meme that gets shared around late every year that has...

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This is Kryptonite for coaches

If there's one thing that will kill your coaching business, it's neediness. it's like Kryptonite to Superman, or cutting Samson's hair. As a past guest on my podcast, Rich Litvin, likes to say: "Needy is creepy" A lot of coaches remind me of Jim Carrey’s character...

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An $18,000 joint venture campaign!

Over the years I've helped some great joint venture partners, like AJ Rivera … and this is what AJ had to say about our JV campaign: “Marc and I had circled each other on social media and had been acquainted for a while. When the opportunity to partner with Marc...

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Who I partner with

I'm picky with who I partner with for my joint ventures, and that means: -Your offer must be relevant for coaches, since those are my people -Your offer has to be valuable and give the results that you claim (since I’m attaching my name to it) -Your offer can’t be...

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How to get 24/7 promotion on “Marc’s List”

I recently introduced a "Marc's List" for preferred partners. The only people who go on the list are my joint venture partners … Once we're finished the campaign, they're added to the list forever (which gives a long runway to get more sales) If you have something...

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(New Episode) A Chat With The “CEO Whisperer”

Cameron Herold, founder of COO Alliance, shares his extensive experience in coaching and business management, and in this episode, he talks about the importance of effective delegation and hiring a second-in-command to manage your projects! What You’ll Hear In This...

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The types of people I partner with

I've been doing joint ventures with partners for many years, and they've been in all kinds of niches, like: AccountingBook Writing/PublishingBusiness BuildingCoaching Platforms and SoftwareCommunitiesEmail MarketingFunding For CoachesHiringJoint Ventures/Referral...

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Tips for a successful joint venture campaign

I've done a lot of joint venture campaigns over the years, and there are a few things that have helped my JV partners increase their sales … One is a special price for my community - I'm not expecting partners to give their stuff away for free or anything, but some...

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