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A bland smile

by | Oct 4, 2024 | Blog

A quote from Douglas Coupland:

“A bland smile is like a green light at an intersection, it feels good when you get one, but you forget it the moment you’re past it”

About that, there’s a temptation for entrepreneurs to keep things bland, to not risk offending potential clients.

I see this a lot in my world, with coaches adopting a very “corporate” tone and removing any hints of personality from their content.

My advice?

Throw caution to the wind and not worry so much about showing your personality.

Sure, you’ll push some people away, but they’ll be replaced by those who appreciate what you’re doing.

So I like to mix up my stuff by posting personal opinions, memes, dad jokes, and puns that aren’t everyone’s cup of tea but reflect my (admittedly) dry sense of humour.

I once got this comment from Steve Bremner, which backs up my point:

“I’ve literally been offering my book writing services in my profile posts AND mixing up my posting with goofy things mostly from emulating how I see you showing up in your own profile … just thought I’d let you know”

Good job Steve – and if you’d like my help structuring your business to do the same book a call with me to chat about it here:

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