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A cool bonus for my JV partners

by | Jul 19, 2024 | Blog

Yesterday I talked about a few joint venture spots that I have open this summer …

One of the big bonuses for my JV partners is they get one year as a Coaching Jungle VIP (others pay $997/year for that!)

Coaching Jungle VIPs get:

Exclusive Posting Perks: Post a promotional message on the group wall every week at your chosen day and time. Reach a growing audience of 25,000+ coaches who could be your next clients and customers!

Expert Badge and Designation: Stand out with a special “Expert” badge visible on all your posts. This designation is exclusive to VIPs.

Access to a Private VIP Facebook Group: Network and brainstorm with other VIPs. Connect with some amazing individuals who can offer valuable insights and opportunities.

Virtual Networking Events: Participate in virtual events designed for partnership opportunities, client acquisition, and referrals with other VIPs.

Affiliate Program: Earn monthly recurring revenue for every person who joins as a VIP through your affiliate link. Enjoy continuous earnings as long as your referrals remain VIPs.

To get the joint venture details, and to book a chat with me to talk about it, go here:

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