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A few summer joint venture spots (and bonuses) available!

by | Jul 18, 2024 | Blog

I’ve done some joint ventures with awesome partners (like Reef Colman, Miles Stutz, and Terri Levine) so far this summer, and I have a few available spots for other joint ventures before the summer ends …

My joint venture packages include:

-A live webinar where you can present your opportunity to my community. I’ll be there for it, to introduce you to my people, give my endorsement, and to help out by asking you questions during the Q and A portion at the end (this is a team effort!)

Note: the campaign doesn’t have to be for a live webinar – it’s tailored to the partner’s preference (IE: sending people to a recorded webinar, a sales page/call, a challenge, an opt-in page, etc)-

-At least 7 days of promotion leading up to the live webinar (includes daily emails to my list and daily posts across all of my social media platforms)

​- 3 Facebook Live interviews with me

​- Permission to put multiple promotional posts on “The Coaching Jungle” Facebook group wall every day and do solo Facebook Lives in the group for the duration of the JV

​- An interview on the “Natural Born Coaches” podcast (thousands of downloads monthly)

-Inclusion on “Marc’s List”- the list of recommended services and providers that stays up on my main website and in The Coaching Jungle (only past JV partners get on this list!)

And there are some bonuses if you book your joint venture before August 31st:

First, you’ll save $1000 off my usual JV fee …

And you’ll get to be a Coaching Jungle VIP for a full year after our joint venture is over, so you can promote to my audience for 52 weeks afterwards for additional sales (plus get other perks, like being given an “Expert” designation inside The Coaching Jungle community, access to the private VIP group for additional collaborations and opportunities, and more … the VIP usually sells for $997/year)

Get all of the details, and book a chat with me to talk about it, here:

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