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Andrew Carnegie, the 4-minute mile, and the power of your first sale

by | Mar 29, 2025 | Blog

Andrew Carnegie, once the richest man in the world, talked about the positive impact of earning his first dollar (actually it was $1.20) back when he was 12 years old:

“I cannot tell you how proud I was when I received my first weekend’s own earnings: One dollar and twenty cents made by myself and given to me because I had been of some use in the world! No longer entirely dependent on my parents, but at last admitted to the family partnership as a contributing member and able to help them! I think this makes a man out of a boy sooner than almost anything else, and a real man, too, if there be any germ of true manhood to him. It is everything to feel that you are useful.”

The quote got me thinking about coaching businesses, and how I’ve often said that the first sale is the hardest …

But once you get your first client, it proves that your offer is valuable, and sales roll in more quickly afterwards.

It’s kind of like the 4-minute mile: everyone said it was impossible to achieve, but after Roger Bannister ran it in 3:59.4 in 1954 it was suddenly very achievable (in 1955 three runners did it, and in 1956 another five runners broke the 4-minute barrier!)

Tying this into coaching, if you’re struggling to get your first coaching client then my Natural Born Coach Program will help get you rolling.

And if you’re already coaching but want more clients, then it’ll help you with that too.

The good news is I’m offering a special (60% off) early bird discount for those who join by tomorrow night:

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