I like to think that I’m a pretty good speller.
I can’t recall ever winning any spelling bees as a kid, but overall I’ve had no complaints about how I spell … until I made a grave, monumental, catastrophic error on Twitter (now X):
I made the mistake of sending out a tweet with the word “expresso”, instead of the proper spelling, “espresso”!
The erroneous tweet was ” Coaching is better than a shot of expresso!”.
Just a few minutes after I sent it out, I had my wrist slapped by a fellow tweeter, who replied “@marcmawhinney When I read “expresso” I sometimes think I might hurt someone”.
I laughed, sent a quick tweet back, and stored that info in my mental bank for later use (I’m sure I can embarrass a friend at Starbucks with that knowledge at some point in my life).
You learn something new every day, and that was that. But it got me thinking about something …
How much energy is that tweeter exerting on a daily basis defending the integrity of “espresso”???
People spend way too much time and energy on things that matter very little.
The older I get, the more I want to spend my time with people who don’t get hung up on stupid stuff.
Anyways, if you have something that helps coaches and you want to spend your energy on that, I’m filling available joint venture spots for this fall …
Get the details, and book a chat about it, here:\