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How to get a long runway for your coaching business

by | Jan 28, 2025 | Blog

A common complaint that I’ve heard about coaching programs:

They’re not long enough!

A lot of coaches run three month programs, and although 90 days sounds like a long time, it flies by quickly. Halloween was three months ago, that doesn’t seem that long ago does it?

And some coaches do six month programs, but they go by quickly too and can leave loose ends when they finish.

That’s why when I was planning my new Natural Born Coaches Program I decided to make it open-ended, meaning that the coaches who join can stay in as long as the program is running.

That means they get access to all of the programs in it, including new ones launched down the road, and continuing access to the group support calls (even if it’s way down the road).

And those who join in the initial launch also get 6 monthly 1:1 calls with me to help their progress.

Interested? The next step is to book a call to chat about it here!

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