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Is Your Message Getting “Lost”?

by | May 6, 2016 | Blog

MysteryBoxI loved the television show “Lost”.

Every week, I’d anxiously wait for a new episode – which was before the days of Netflix, so there would often be repeats …


(“Lost” is hard enough to follow and decipher if you binge-watch it on Netflix nowadays, but try following it on television every week for 6 seasons!)

The co-creator of the show, J.J. Abrams, has spoken about a concept that he employed with “Lost” and his other projects:

It’s called (drum roll ……..): “The Mystery Box”!

Sounds cool, right?

It’s a method of storytelling where you use mystery and unanswered questions to keep the audience interested and following the story. “Lost” strung me, and millions of others, along for 6 seasons.

It’s the exact opposite of how Hollywood trailers have been released in recent years, where they reveal so much that you feel like you’ve seen 90% of the movie before you even go to the theatre.

Although “The Mystery Box” method works for television and movies, it doesn’t work for coaching!

You can’t keep people guessing about what you’re all about. Any confusion and they’ll moved on to find someone who can help them.

Clarity rules.

My website is in the process of being revamped into something more clear and prettier to the eyes. I know what I do, a lot of people know what I do, but too many people have said “I don’t know what you do exactly, Marc”

So the new website will be much clearer.

No time for guessing, make it easier for your clients.

Do it right, and you’ll last for even longer than 6 seasons too,


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