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Not your usual mastermind

by | Feb 6, 2025 | Blog

My friend Dave and I often get out for a few drinks and laughs at local pubs.

While there, we do the usual “shooting the breeze”, catching up and talking about what’s going on in our lives, what’s happening in the world, and all that jazz.

Although we aren’t meeting in a stuffy boardroom, the conversation always turns to our businesses. Dave is a private transaction advisor/small business deal-making educator and a smart guy (you can check him out at

After a few hours of tossing ideas around, I inevitably come home with a bunch of them scribbled on a napkin and gung-ho to start implementing them into my business. And I like to think that Dave has gotten some good ideas from our chats as well …

While it might not look like it at first glance, our meetings are an example of a mastermind. Napoleon Hill defined a “mastermind” as:

“Coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose”.

That means that as long as there are at least two minds helping one another, it’s a mastermind – regardless of the location and even if talking in a noisy establishment playing sports on big TVs covering the walls.

If you’d like to start running your own profitable masterminds, you should join Jay Fairbrother and I for his live masterclass next week where he’ll show you how to do it.

It’s called “How to Attract and Keep Clients for 3 Years Not 3 Months”, and it’s happening on Tuesday, February 11th at 12 pm Eastern and here’s the link to register for it!

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