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(Podcast) How to Have a $30k Day, with Brett McFall!

by | Aug 7, 2023 | Blog

How does having a $30k day sound?

No, that number isn’t a typo …

I have Brett McFall on the Natural Born Coaches podcast today, and he shares how coaches and online entrepreneurs can use the Cornerstone Funnel to drive big revenue into their businesses, in a different way.

Brett’s system is based on decades of his marketing and funnel building experience, and in this episode, he’s joined by a past guest of the podcast, Lucho Crisalle, a success story who has implemented what Brett teaches and has achieved amazing results by doing so!

You’ll hear:

  • Brett’s experiences doing live seminars and why he says what he was doing wasn’t sustainable
  • What he would say to someone who has skepticism about the chances of making $30,000 a day
  • Why selling high-ticket offers works so well for you and your clients
  • The different types of buyers that exist and how to approach selling your products and services to each type
  • A discussion of the Cornerstone Funnel ,,, and more!

Here’s the link to listen:

PS: Brett is now giving away a free case study that shows how he generated $49,994 to a tiny list of 61 people in under 1-hour, and how you could too. Watch it here!–51938

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