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(Podcast) Staying Out Of The Government’s Crosshairs, with Anik Singal!

by | Feb 12, 2024 | Blog

Most episodes of the Natural Born Coaches podcast are 25-30 minutes long, but today’s clocked in at almost 54 minutes because it covers such an important topic!

Anik Singal is sharing a scary ordeal he went through when the Federal Trade Commission came after him …

He gives great advice for how coaches and entrepreneurs can protect themselves from government intervention. In this episode you’ll hear:

  • The letter that Anik received in May 2022, and the crazy journey it took him on
  • How to stay out of the FTC’s crosshairs, and the phrases to avoid (including the one BIG thing not to say during your sales calls)
  • The problem with “implied earnings” claims
  • Why the size of your business matters to the government regulators
  • How Anik turned a bad situation into a positive, and how he relied on humour to make the best of things!
  • A look at his new podcast and book, “Don’t Say That!”

Give it a listen here:

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