I’m a sucker for good book recommendations, and I recently got one from my friend Tom Krol:
It’s called “Dream First, Details Later” by Ellen Marie Bennett, founder of Hedley & Bennett, an apparel company that specializes in premium chef aprons.
It’s a candid book that doesn’t try to paint her journey as all sunshine, lollipops and rainbows … she’s very open about the many pitfalls that she encountered while building her company.
I highlighted a lot of stuff in the book, including this passage:
“I chose progress over perfection and went with a method that had always carried me through before: decide to do it. Try. Fail. Learn. Hustle. Go try again. And keep going, relentlessly”
It reminds me of an acronym that I once read in one of Robin Sharma’s books: “KMF”, which stands for “Keep Moving Forward” … I can’t think of a better one for entrepreneurs!
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