I talk everyday with people who are thinking of starting a coaching business. They often ask how long it will take for them to get clients, to get their names out there, to gain traction, to have “made it”, etc.
I can’t give those answers. It varies for everyone. Some get rolling quickly, for some it can take years. Some never make it and give up, others fall down and get back up to try again. Every person’s journey is different.
But I do know that becoming a coach (or starting any business) requires a leap of faith and a lot of people aren’t ready to take that plunge. I was reading “The Big Leap” by Gay Hendricks this week, and he reminded me of a scene with an invisible bridge from “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade”. To save his father’s life, Indy has to get across a deep chasm that apparently has no bridge. Armed with a journal that shows a man walking on air, and with the instructions “Only in the leap from the lion’s head will he prove his worth”, the hero has to decide whether to take that first step when he can’t see anything underneath.
I won’t spoil it for you (the video clip is below), but I encourage you to watch this scene if you’re afraid of taking the leap in your life. Any life change is scary, but you have to have faith in yourself and just take that step!