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The North American House Hippo

by | Nov 2, 2021 | Blog

There’s an old Canadian television commercial that featured the mysterious “North American house hippo”.

The camera follows a tiny house hippo around a home, showing it antagonizing a cat, stealing toast crums and going about its daily routine.

It all looked very real, but it was part of an advertising campaign to teach kids to think critically about things they see on television.

(Especially relevant in this era of “Fake News” and misinformation …)

Just as kids should question what they see on TV, people should question everything they see online.

My rule of thumb: I assume a person is full of it until they prove me wrong.

The online world is full of marketers selling coaches systems and funnels that will supposedly generate 6 or 7 figures in a month with no effort, just like magic!

Although you can do very well as a coach, it’s not a get rich quick thing (at least not the “7 figures in a month working just five minutes from the comfort of your hot tub” like they promise).

But I have seen lots of coaches get their businesses going in three months, and I don’t think a few months is that bad to get a new business rolling.

If you’re ready to roll up your sleeves and take action, you can work directly with me over 12 weeks to build your coaching business in my “Construct Your Dream Coaching Business” group program.

We’re now filling the next group, get the details here:

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