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The strangest niche?

by | Mar 21, 2025 | Blog

I once heard of a coach who had an interesting niche.

Apparently she was a former exotic dancer who became a multi six-figure coach by teaching other exotic dancers how to earn more money.

And she called it “Strip and Grow Rich” (I’m not sure what Napoleon Hill would think of that!)

I think that coach is on to something. As the coaching industry grows, evolves, and becomes more crowded, the need to niche down and be unique becomes greater.

Besides niching down, the exotic dancer-turned-coach did another smart thing: she drew from her experience and crafted a coaching business around it (stick to what you know).

If you’d like help choosing a profitable coaching niche, check out the “Nail Your Niche” Challenge that Sarah Short is running next week.

It starts on Monday, so there’s still time to register!

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