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Want to get your podcast into a bunch of fresh new eardrums?

by | Jul 17, 2024 | Blog

A pet peeve of mine:

When I have a guest on my podcast who doesn’t promote our interview after it’s released!

(Thankfully this doesn’t happen that often …)

I don’t expect my guests to spend every day shouting about our interview from the rooftops, or holding a ticker-tape parade, but a little bit of promotion isn’t a big ask (ie: sharing it around on social media once)

Since I’ve hosted almost 900 episodes of my podcast, I have a good handle on what hosts want and am conscious of giving the shows I’m invited on the proper respect and exposure they deserve …

So if you have me as a guest on your podcast I’ll share the interview around to my network of about 100,000, and will also put it up on the “Media” page that stays on my website 24/7 for additional on-going visibility.

If you have a podcast in the coaching, personal development, or entrepreneurship space and would like to have me on, email and we’ll set it up!

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