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(Webinar) A weird website that’s currently making Brett up to $30k per day!

by | Aug 10, 2023 | Blog

Brett McFall stumbled across a “weird” website that makes him up to $30k per day.

I know, I know … big numbers are thrown around a lot in the coaching world, so there’s a temptation to tune them out.

But I’ve gotten to know Brett, and I know some of his clients who are getting results from his stuff (like a past guest on my podcast, Lucho Crisalle), so he’s the real deal.

Next week you’re invited to a new live demonstration where Brett will show you his weird little website that’s currently making up to $30K per day in coaching clients …

And he’ll also tell you how to ethically knock it off for your business in less than 10 minutes …

When you register for the webinar you’ll also get $197 in pre-training bonuses for free, including:

Pre-training #1: Why people are ignoring your marketing

Pre-training #2: The 1 reason why you’re losing 66% of your sales

Pre-training #3: The problem that makes it impossible for you to win

It’s important to be on the webinar live, as there will be NO REPLAY (I’m using capital letters to make sure you notice that!)

It’s happening on Tuesday, August 15th at 7 pm EST and you can save your seat for it here:

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