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What does Kurt Cobain have to do with virtual assistants???

by | Jun 12, 2024 | Blog

One of the books in my collection is “Journals” by Kurt Cobain.

I was never a big fan of grunge music, and you won’t find me wearing Nirvana t-shirts or anything …

But I bought the book because it’s an interesting look inside Cobain’s head (it features actual scans of his journal pages, not typed-out but in his handwriting and includes doodles and sketches).

Believe it or not, this Canadian, non-grunge-fan pulled lots of golden nuggets out of the musings of a deceased grunge god from Seattle.

For example, in one of his entries he recommended that musicians not listen to much music, because then they’ll subconsciously mimic those artists.

The same could be said for coaches – don’t spend 24/7 consuming content from influencers, because it’ll seep into your own content creation and you’ll start to sound like them without realizing it.

And the same also goes for any entrepreneur setting up their business model.

For example, I’m doing a joint venture with Reef Colman from this week …

Their business is outsourcing – setting their clients up with virtual assistants and team members who will make their lives easier.

But they do things differently than many in the outsourcing world.

I know, from experience, that a lot of those companies put very little thought into who they recommend for your team, and the results show.

A lot of stress, frustration, turnover, and overall a bad experience.

WeAssist takes the opposite approach, and I was impressed when Reef walked me through everything they do to ensure a smooth scaling experience for your business.

If you’re looking to grow your team the right way, Reef is offering a 1:1 call to map out the right strategy and share his advice from being immersed in the outsourcing world for many years.

Here’s the link to book your call!

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