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What entrepreneurs and this fisherman have in common

by | Jul 10, 2024 | Blog

The other day I saw a video of a fisherman struggling inside his boat in the rough seas.

Cameras showed him being thrown around the ship like a rag doll at different times …

He’s brushing his teeth in the bathroom, and suddenly he gets catapulted against a wall!

He’s going to eat his breakfast when suddenly he’s sliding under the table!

And when he’s sleeping he’s bouncing around his bunk (not sure how he could get any sleep that way)!

It reminded me of a typical entrepreneur, getting bounced around as they go throughout their days – uncertain of what activities to do, and getting pulled in another direction when they try to finish something.

If you’re lacking a solid game plan for your business (and life) check out the free playbook that Terri Levine just released.

It’s a deep document requiring reflection, but you’ll be happy with the time you invest in it:

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