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What people are saying about the Nail Your Niche challenge!

by | Mar 23, 2025 | Blog

If you want guidance in choosing your ideal coaching niche, Sarah Short’s 4-day Nail Your Niche Challenge kicks off tomorrow!

Why should you invest your valuable time on it?

Well Sarah is the founder of The Coaching Revolution, a 2x best-selling author with the first and second editions of her book “A Coaching Business In A Book”, and has been helping coaches for many years.

Here’s what some attendees to past Nail Your Niche challenges had to say about it:

“As someone who usually bypasses challenges, I’m so glad I tried this one. It was easy and useful and has completely shifted my thinking about marketing! I’m excited to learn more and build an attractive coaching practice!” – Nicole Collier Harp

“The Nail Your Niche challenge (2024) was one of the best free trainings I ever participated in. Focused, informative, practical, step-by-step with lots of insights and knowledge shared … thank you!” – Tereza Vitkova

“This was the best explanation I’ve had so far of the real reasons to have a coaching niche, and what a niche really looks like in practical terms. It made me realize that the niche I had chosen so far was too broad, which in turn gave me further insight into why I have been struggling to communicate my business well. I’d highly recommend this challenge” – Antonia Watson

“This is an eye opener. It’s realistic and inspirational. All coaches should know this” – Charlotte Evans

There’s still time to get access before it starts tomorrow:

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