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When business puts your life on the back burner

by | Jul 12, 2024 | Blog

As I was going through Terri Levine’s Life Playbook, something she wrote stood out to me:

“Most entrepreneurs don’t design their lives first, they unconsciously start working in and on their business without a strategy or plan for how to consciously live their lives …”

I nodded in agreement, since I’ve seen the guy in the mirror fall victim to that – putting my business #1, and shoving my life to the back burner as something that gets done after business tasks are complete!

Ever feel the same way?

If so, Terri has identified 5 key phases in her “Life Design” Framework, and they’ll keep you from sacrificing your life for your business.

I don’t want to spoil the surprise, so you can get the playbook for free by going here:

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