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Who Terri’s Life Playbook is for (and not for!)

by | Jul 13, 2024 | Blog

This week I’ve been plugging Terri Levine’s “Life Playbook” – an excellent resource for entrepreneurs who are serious about improving their businesses and their lives …

But since I know you’re busy, here’s who Terri says the playbook is for:

  • If you want to build your business around your life, not your life
    around your business
  • If you want to build the business and life of your dreams
  • You want to make more money, work fewer hours, and have time for the people and experiences that matter most
  • If you’re an entrepreneur looking to scale without sacrificing your life and are ready to stop grinding
  • You want to have more time to enjoy the finer things in life.
  • You believe you can have greater work-life balance and at the same time have the confidence to grow your business faster
  • If you’re tired of trying everything in marketing and on social media and are sick of spending time, money and energy bouncing from one shiny object to the next hoping you can find the right strategies and formula to have more impact, income and influence.
  • If you’re ready to escape the routine of life and to experience success and happiness in life and work

And if what she says next describes you, best to save your time and not download the playbook:

  • If you believe your passion can be turned into profits without having
    services, products and an audience that craves them
  • If you just want to get rich quickly
  • If you want to sell products and services that don’t get your audience a transformational outcome!

There’s still time to grab your copy, and you can do that here:

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