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Why I have no hesitation recommending Terri Levine’s Life Playbook!

by | Jul 14, 2024 | Blog

This week I’ve been encouraging you to grab Terri Levine’s free “Life Playbook”, and I have no issues promoting Terri so heavily.

While her official biography is impressive: in business for over 30 years, has built 8 multi-million dollar businesses, has helped over 7000 clients, has written a ton of books (including “The Conversion Equation”), has a great podcast, etc, I go off my personal experiences with her.

We’ve known each other for many years – she’s been a guest on Natural Born Coaches four times, we’ve done a bunch of joint venture partnerships and other collaborations, and I know that she knows her stuff.

I got a lot of value from going through her playbook, and I’m confident that you will as well …

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