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This is who the Natural Born Coach Program is for

I just opened up the Natural Born Coach program (which has been over a decade in the making) and it’s for: -Coaches (and aspiring coaches) who are action-takers and are willing to roll up their sleeves and put the work in to build their businesses. -People who...

Whatever it takes

Tom Prichard wrote a book for aspiring professional wrestlers, and in it he said something that applies to entrepreneurs as well: “There are three kinds of people; those who ‘try’ and they’ll never make it because when they don’t, they...

Book your “Value Call” today!

Instead of doing “discovery calls”, or “strategy calls” (or let’s be honest, sales calls), I prefer to do: “Value Calls” The goal of my value call isn’t to sell you into my program. Don’t get me wrong – if...

Have you experienced this?

I see a change coming in the online space where people will demand more connection with the creator (and others in the program) after they enroll in something. Does this sound familiar? You join a coaching program that has “group calls”, only to discover...

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