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Want to grow your coaching business by speaking? Today’s expert guest is Jase Souder, and he’s here to give the ins and outs of selling from the stage! Jase is a nationally recognized public speaker, best-selling author, entertainer, and he’s the Founder of World Class Speaker Academy. His mission is to help entrepreneurs change the world by becoming World Class Speakers who create massive impact, raving fans, and a rush of new clients with every presentation. I just know coaches who are listening will get a ton of value from what Jase shares in this episode!
Jase will give you the tools you need to become a world-class speaker in his upcoming virtual workshop happening June 9th to 11th. In this workshop, you’ll learn how to fulfill your dream of creating more impact, influence, and increase your profits, and you can register now by going to!
Things you’ll learn in this episode:
• The changes and pivots that Jase knew needed to happen in his business when the pandemic in first hit in March 2020
• What the transition from in-person to online looked like, and what he was able to do by making this move
• How Jase pushed past his own resistance and became open to the true power of coaching
• What are the key things holding people back from selling from the stage
• Jase’s formula for selling from stage explained
“We hope you become a world class speaker who makes a massive impact, raving fans, and a rush of new clients.”
“Your speaker training determines your speaker results and winging it does not work.”
“I figured out that in the audience there is a series of switches, and you have to get the switches on and in the right order for the lightbulb to come on and people to say ‘yes.’”
“What I learned is when you rock that one presentation and when you use a system to sell from stage, you can make your whole business for a year.”
Register for Jace’s Upcoming Working (June 9th to 11th)
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