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Episode #546: Larry Winget: The Pitbull of Personal Development ® Returns!

by | Mar 19, 2018 | Podcasts

larry-wingetLarry Winget is the best branded, most recognizable speaker in the business. Many speakers claim to be original, but Larry Winget is THE original. He has established himself as an icon in the world of personal development and self-help. You won’t find many people who don’t know or who won’t recognize him as a result of his six national bestsellers, his thousands of on-stage appearances or his many regular television appearances. Larry was the first to be willing to take on the “positive attitude” motivational speakers and the Law Of Attraction bozos with his common sense, back to the basics approach. Larry still believes that hard work and excellence are the keys to success and communicates that like no other person on the planet can!


  • Larry’s thoughts on the way society is being sold laziness
  • Why you can’t have a work/life balance
  • What his take is on millennials
  • Tips for dealing with criticism
  • The difference between ignorance and stupidity


“What I think is wrong with damn near everything is the collapse of core values.”

“Situational core values, I don’t believe in that. If it is right, it’s right. If it is wrong, it’s wrong.”

“I think you have to rise above the approval of others. That is the only way to be truly happy and have satisfaction in your life.”


Win Bigly by Scott Adams

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