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Alzay Calhoun is the founder of Coveted Consultant, which helps entrepreneurs scale their consulting company by productizing. Productizing is a strategy that allows expert, serviced-based companies to grow predictably without getting caught up in the flash-in-the-pan, shiny-object strategy of the day. In this episode Alzay shares more about a platform you can start using today to do this – YouTube!
In this episode you’ll learn:
- What Alzay’s own YouTube funnel looks like
- How long he says your YouTube content video be, and what you should be “hyper-focused” on
- Some common mistakes people make when using YouTube to provide content
- Say “No” to scripts, notes, and teleprompters – and do this instead
- Whether or not you should you reuse your Facebook Live content on YouTube
- How to handle negative comments and “trolls”, plus much more…
“You want to create as much value for the listener as you possibly can, so get to the point.”
“People don’t talk to scripts. They talk to humans, and it’s human-to-human.
“For the focus you are giving you will be rewarded with the leads that you are looking for.”
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His YouTube Channel
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